Generation, Publication and Access Control of System and Trade related Data

Safe and secure end-to-end solution to generate any logs and publish to exchanges

EventJet is a powerful tool as an all-in-one solution to sample and publish data in accordance with the Logging and Monitoring Mechanism (LAMA) introduced by SEBI. Enhance transparency in trades and data dissemination with our safe and secure platform

Publishing and subscription

Publishing and subscription

EventJet is a safe and secured multi-locational data collation, distribution and reporting system.

Secured data collation

Secured data collation

Define any number of arbitrary system and functional parameters for the purpose of publishing to exchanges.

Plugin-based data acquisition

Plugin-based data acquisition

Captures various data points using small programs and send it to the Data Collator.

Secured sample collection

Secured sample collection

Exchanges can collect the data either via push or pull mechanisms. A simplified interface available to schedule data push or pulls.

Report generator module

Report generator module

Track incoming data from multiple publishers and prepare customized data dashboards for any parameters.

Token-based data delivery

Token-based data delivery

All data transmissions are secured and authorized using digitally signed tokens. Once scheduled, it runs without manual interventions.


EventJet is a comprehensive end-to-end data capturing and publishing solution. It ensures safe and secured generation, publication, and access control of technical and functional parameters associated with any business or process. It is a secure infrastructure for brokers and exchanges to subscribe and receive values of various parameters. It offers a sampling of discrete data points in a time-bound manner, which can be configured by brokers. One or more exchanges can capture those data, if authorized by brokers to do so. It provides data dashboards to the exchanges to monitor various parameters to ensure compliance by respective brokers. In case of deviation of data from prescribed limits, suitable alerts are generated to data producers as well as consumers.

EventJet can be used by brokers and traders. It can be used equally well in other industries too, like monitoring chemical processes, manufacturing of goods, movements of goods, tracking of weather parameters etc. This easy-to-use system can be utilized by any business where data producers and data consumers are involved.

EventJet has multiple features, including data collation and streaming, data sampler plugins (which can be created in Python), data analysis and reporting, parameter listing, resource listing, report definitions and publishing, scheduled data retrievals etc. It uses an easy-to-manage data workflow for data producers and data collators. It has a feature-rich data dashboard to display the current and historical status of various parameters, whose data it is collecting and publishing.

EventJet has a customizable visual dashboard with alerts and notifications. It also offers custom reports, dig-down capability and access to historical data and the possibility to archive past data.

EventJet offers both system and functional parameters. It supports system parameters like Disk Usage, CPU Load, RAM and functional parameters like Market Index, VaR and LTP etc. It can also monitor weather and environment-related data like wind speed, rains, carbon emission, or any other parameter, for which a sensor is already available, and which can output the sensed values.

EventJet makes it easy to generate system and functional logs and publish to exchanges. The data collation module can be hosted on cloud or with the broker. EventJet offers easy tracking and collation of any resource parameters, which are measurable. Brokers can control access to the parameters published by this system.

Yes, EventJet can be deployed either on the cloud or at the data producer’s end.

Yes, you can reach out to us using the button below. Or, email us at sales@paramatrix.comor call on +917506051248


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