Author Archives for admin

10 Major Things You Were Unaware of About FinTech Until Now

February 5, 2021 5:58 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Financial Technology, aka FinTech, in its modern moniker, has been a great disrupt or. The growth rate of this industry is not only massive but is also dynamic. With each passing day, the FinTech industry is witnessing a steady acceleration of positive change. However, there are still certain critical things that a common person is unaware of about FinTech.

Why do many Companies never Succeed at Automation? The 10 Burning Mistakes they make and how to Solve them!

December 12, 2020 5:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

We all know the buzzword that Business Process Automation has become. However, its implementation is usually more difficult than we think. If done in the right manner, you can drive growth and efficiency. If not, then all the efforts, investments and time turn up futile. To succeed at automation, you must have a clearly defined goal that aims to weed out the redundancies you have in your workflow.